Hi, it's me Andrew

I am a lifelong learner in Salt Lake City

About Me

My name is Andrew, I am a pilot as my full-time job and in my spare time I have started to learn programming and developing apps. I have been flying for several years, working my way up through the ranks to become a commercial pilot. I have a deep understanding of aviation and a commitment to safety. In addition to my flying experience, I also absolutely love building apps and building things that solve problems.

I have completed several online courses and have a strong desire to learn more about the field. My main skills are HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and some Python.

I am excited to continue to learn and grow in this area. I consider myself a lifelong learner and I am always looking at ways to learn new skills or gain more knowledge.

I am eager to take on new challenges!


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3 out of 10


image of stock chart for stock tracking app

Stock Tracker

A simple portfolio tracker for my boys to use to track their stocks.

Image of question mark for a FAQ page

FAQ Page

A technical specification and Frequently Asked Question page.

image of airplane landing for landing page app

Product Landing Page

A landing page app that has a video overlay to play an introductory video about products and services.

image of test taker for a quiz app

Study App

A Quizlet type app I developed to help me study for recurrent training.

image of a sign that says grateful for a thankfulness site

Stories of Gratitude

Simple site to collect stories of thankfulness from people around the world.

image of typewriter for a blog app

Blog App

Personal blog app using Express, Node and Mongo. NOT YET DEPLOYED.

Contact Me